Give your little one the playful childhood you've always wanted for them!

Bring back more PLAY, more laughter and more joy in your home with simple play ideas so you won't have to turn to screentime to keep your kids busy. 

ENDS 9pm ACST Saturday 29th April
Doors close for new members 9pm ACST Wednesday 3rd May


It's no secret. 
Motherhood is hard.

You find yourself pulled in a hundred different directions all day, every day.

Between cooking, cleaning, washing, folding, vacuuming, grocery shopping, appointments AND keeping the kids busy, you're exhausted and have no time for yourself - and it's so easy to reach for the remote to give yourself 20 minutes to tick off one or two jobs from your to-do list.

Before you know it, that 20 minutes of screen time has become an hour, two hours, even a whole day, while you try your best to juggle everything.

And then you're left feeling guilty because you know that time in front of a screen is time that your little one *should* be playing.

But you don't have time to set up fancy activities - and even if you did, you're not creative enough to think of something your kids will want to play with anyway.

So you reluctantly turn on the tv again.

but just imagine.. 

What if you didn't have to do the thinking?

What if you had a list of easy ideas that only took a few minutes to set up, so your little one could play happily while you cooked dinner?

What if you had a directory of creative ways to use everyday objects that you already have to inspire play, so you didn't need to buy new toys all the time?

What if you had hundreds of play ideas at your fingertips so you could spend less time scrolling, and more time actually connecting with your little one through play?

Welcome to

a community championing PLAY!

As part of the Simply Play Together community, you'll learn the fundamentals of child development and play, so that you can feel less overwhelmed by all the play ideas on social media and be empowered with the skills and strategies to embrace simple play.

You'll also have unlimited access to monthly PlayBooks filled with simple ideas designed to get your little ones away from screens and playing for longer!

Now they actually play for longer than one minute!

'The toy room was full of toys but I never felt like I was giving my kids enough to keep them busy. Now I'm more excited about their play! I love giving them simple ideas and seeing where they take them, and they actually play on their own for longer than one minute!'

- Sarah, mum of two

My kids relied on me for most of their play..

'Before joining Simply Play Together, my kids relied on me for most of their play ideas and they needed me to be there to play with them almost 100% of the time. Although they still require me to sometimes set  up play for them, now they tend to go off and do their own thing. I enjoy playing with them more because I integrate myself into their play instead of them integrating into something I've come up with.'

- Stephanie, mum of three

'I really need play ideas to keep things interesting for my little one. Will I get new ideas each month?


You will receive access to a new PlayBook filled with simple ideas designed to kick-start your little one's play each month. 

You will also receive access to ALL previous PlayBooks - that's hundreds of ideas ready for you to dive into as soon as you become a member!

So, is Simply Play Together for me?

It IS for you if:

  • You want new simple play ideas to try with your little one each month – no creativity and fancy equipment required!
  • You are ready to ditch the #MumGuilt and stop feeling that you are not doing enough as a mum!
  • You want to champion play in your home, and start seeing your little one playing more and using screens less
  • You want to start injecting more meaningful play into each day so you can spend more time bonding and creating lasting memories with you little one, rather than spending hours scrolling your phone for new ideas
  • You want to embrace simple play because you are tired of spending more time setting up play experiences than your little one actually spends playing with them!
  • You want to learn about child development and play so that you can best support your little one as they grow, including having realistic expectations around what play looks like for different ages
  • You want to be part of an amazing community of like-minded parents, supporting each other through both the successes and challenges of parenting
  • You want to receive ongoing coaching and mentoring from a qualified Early Childhood Educator, instead of trying to learn from Google 

It ISN'T for you if:

  • You are looking for a course
  • You are expecting a once-off payment. Simply Play Together is an ongoing membership and you will have access to all of the resources and Simply Play Together community at the price you joined, for as long as you remain a member in good standing

I felt like I always had to be providing new toys..

Before joining Simply Play Together nearly all play involved me or my husband. I felt like I always had to be providing new toys, experiences or activities to keep my daughter entertained or learning new skills. Now I feel more confident to let my daughter be and there are a lot more opportunities for her to decide what to do for herself instead of me always providing things

- Paige, mum of 22 month old

I know that we are all on different stages of our play and parenting journey, which is why I've created the Simply Play Together PlayPath.

Use the resources in the Simply Play Together PlayPortal to move from feeling overwhelmed with play to feeling confident in championing play, spending less time scrolling Instagram for ideas that don't even interest your little one, and see them play for longer!

Hi! I'm Lycie,
founder of Simply Play Today.

I’m a mum of three, an early years teacher and play coach - and for the past six years I've been on a mission to help mums easily inject more play into every day!

The early days of my parenting journey saw me feeling overwhelmed as I tried to provide play activity after play activity for my kids to keep them busy all day. I started over-complicating play, trying to get the 'perfect' Insta-worthy play invitations that I kept seeing on social media - I thought that was the secret to seeing them play for longer.

And when those complicated activities entertained them for less than a few minutes at a time, I turned to the tv so I could start crossing jobs off my to-do list.

But I didn't want the kids in front of the tv all day every day, so I started creating little invitations to play - activities that took literally minutes to throw together, using things I already had at home - and started seeing them play for longer and longer, while tv time became less and less. 

I realised that these simple play ideas were the ones that saw the kids engaged the longest.

I created Simply Play Together to support mums around the world how to champion simple play like this too!

When you become a member of the Simply Play Together community, you will get immediate access to:

Monthly PlayBooks

worth $29/month

You'll receive a new PlayBook filled with play ideas to try with your little ones every month. You'll also have access to all previous PlayBooks - that's hundreds of ideas at your fingertips!

All activities in the PlayBooks are designed to utilise what you already have at home - there won't be any need for printing and laminating or going to the shops with a list as long as your arm before you can get started!


worth $1300+

You'll have access to a library of over 25 Masterclasses to upskill yourself in child development and play, so you can best support your little one in championing play in your home!

Some of the topics you'll learn about include choosing toys that promote play, creating engaging play experiences, fostering independent play, supporting sibling play and setting up a play space. You'll also learn about child development from a range of guest experts!

Community Catchups

worth $49/month

Join me in every month for a Community Catchup, where you'll receive opportunities for coaching and mentoring, watch play demonstrations and connect with other mums in the community. 

Simply Play Together

As part of the membership, you will get access to the private Simply Play Together Community on Facebook.

Here you will be able to connect, share your play and be inspired by like-minded parents just like yourself, who are on a mission to inject more meaningful play into each and every day!


Join the Simply Play Together community as an annual member and you'll receive access to my signature See More Play program, where you'll learn how to set your little one up for independent play success!

valued at $198

'Play now looks more inviting for our little one. The play spaces are better set up with toys and activities visible and easily accessible and there has been an increase in independent play. I enjoyed making changes that I can see have had a positive impact on our little one.
- Krystal, mum of 2yo, See More Play Graduate


Monthly PlayBooks
valued $29/month

Masterclass library

valued $1300+

Monthly Community Catchups

valued $49/month

Private Facebook Community





(that's around $23USD)

THEN $19/month

No locked in contracts. Cancel anytime.



(that's around $125USD)


PLUS get 2 months FREE
when you pay annually

PLUS BONUS See More Play program worth $198

Just so you know..

When you join the Simply Play Together community, you'll be locked into the current pricing for as long as you remain a member in good standing. How great is that?!

Our Guarantee

I am confident that you will learn the knowledge, skills and strategies to transform the way you think about play during your time in the Simply Play Together community. This means that we have a no refunds policy, however there are absolutely no lock in contracts!

So if you find that Simply Play Together isn't for you, you can cancel at any time. Just send an email to and we can remove you from the Simply Play Together community at the end of your paid month.

Still got a question or two?

Am I locked into a contract when I join?

There are absolutely no lock in contracts as part of the Simply Play Together membership. You get to decide how long you stay for - whether that's a few months, or a few years! In fact, there are still mums in the community who signed up when I first opened doors TWO AND A HALF YEARS ago!

If you decide that you'd like to end your time in the Simply Play Together community, send an email to and you will be removed from the Simply Play Together at the conclusion of your paid month. You will also lose access to the PlayPortal, including any bonus programs, and the private Facebook community.

Please keep in mind that the current pricing only applies as long as you are a member in good standing. If you decide to leave, then join again at a later date, you will need to join at the current pricing which will increase each time doors open.

What happens after the three months if I join with the birthday deal?

When you take advantage of the Birthday Deal, you will have an upfront cost of just $35 for your first three months in the Simply Play Together community.

After that period, if you wish to continue being a member of Simply Play Together, you will be charged $19/month for as long as you wish to stay a member. This will happen automatically - you don't need to do anything!

If you do not wish to continue being a member, you can cancel your subscription before the end of the three-month period at no cost to you.

You will notice at checkout that you are joining a $19/month subscription with a $35 upfront fee and 90 day trial period. This is fancy talk for $35 for your first three months access, then $19/month after that.

What age is Simply Play Together suited for?

Simply Play Together is targeted at children aged between 12 months and 5 years of age. However, with such a wide range of resources available in the PlayPortal covering a variety of topics around child development and play, siblings from 6 months old as well as older siblings will benefit from what you'll gain from being part of this community.

I'm already so busy with my kids, work and the never-ending housework! I want to join, but I just don't know if I'll have time to access the content!

Trust me, as a working parent I know how difficult it can be to set aside time to watch the latest episode of Survivor, let alone watch a Masterclass or two!

But the great thing about Simply Play Together is that you access all of the resources at your own pace - you can use what you need, when you need it.

For example, if it's just the new play ideas you're after, then you can download the new PlayBooks each month, as well as look through previous PlayBooks for ideas that your little one will enjoy.  

But if you're feeling like your playroom needs an overhaul, you can watch the Masterclass on setting up a play space and implement what you learn as you are ready.

I've also kept each Masterclass to less than 20 minutes each to make it easy for you to consume. Each Masterclass is also available as an audio-only version so you can listen to them on the go!

Help! I need play ideas to entertain my little one - will I find them here?


You will receive a new PlayBook filled with fresh play ideas each and every month, plus access to all previous PlayBooks - that's hundreds of ideas ready for you to try with your little one as soon as you join!

Each PlayBook contains a variety of ideas suitable for a range of ages and developmental stages, so there will always be something your little one will enjoy!

But Lycie, won't I be able to find all this information online?

The wonderful thing about the internet these days is that everything is at our fingertips.

But what makes Simply Play Together different to a Google search is the ongoing coaching and mentoring you receive from a qualified Early Childhood Educator (that's me!) to support you throughout your play journey.

You will also eliminate the need for endless scrolling for play ideas because everything will be in the one place in the PlayPortal!

Why can't I join at any time?

As soon as doors to Simply Play Together close, I will be shifting all my energy into best supporting and mentoring those parents in the Simply Play Together community - and I want to love on them HARD!  

So as much as I would love to be continually welcoming new members into our community, it wouldn't be fair to the current members if all my energy was being consumed by having doors open to Simply Play Together all the time.

I'm on the fence about joining, when will doors be open again?

To be completely honest with you, I'm really not sure! All I know is that it won't be until at least July!

I don't have Facebook - can I still join?

Yes! You can absolutely join Simply Play Together even if you don't have Facebook!

The monthly PlayBooks and Masterclass library are available in the online Simply Play Together PlayPortal for you to access, and our monthly Community Catchups will be held on Zoom, so having a Facebook account isn't a requirement.

I still have a question!

I would love to answer any more questions that you have - you can contact me by email or DM on Instagram, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!



Copyright 2020 | Simply Play Today

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