Set your little one up for PLAY SUCCESS!
Create a space that invites play and start seeing more play without having to set up endless activities
Enrolments close Wednesday 3rd August at 9pm ACST
Do you every wish you could wave a magic wand and see your little one play for longer?
Do you wish your little one could entertain themselves while you fed, bathed and put your newborn to bed?
Maybe you just wish that you could get out of the never-ending cycle of trying to give yourself more time by spending all your time setting up activities to keep your little one busy - especially when they never seem interested in them anyway!
Mumma, your little one IS capable of playing independently..
you just need to know how to set them up for play success!

Children are born ready to play, yet somewhere along the line we've given ourselves the extra job of entertaining them all day - on top of everything else we need to do!
But as mums, our job isn't to keep our little ones busy all day.
In fact, our role is to set up the environment to promote play and set our children up for play success so they can take change of their own play.

'There has been an increase in independent play'
'Play now looks more inviting for our little one. The play spaces are better set up with toys and activities visible and easily accessible and there has been an increase in independent play. I enjoyed making changes that I can see have had a positive impact on our little one.
- Krystal, mum of 2yo
See More Play Graduate

Just imagine..
LESS scrolling for the 'perfect' play idea that will keep your little one busy
LESS spending all of naptimes setting up activities
LESS screen time
LESS pressure to keep your little one entertained all day
and MORE independent play
MORE time to slow down and connect with your little one
MORE guilt-free time for yourself each day while your little one plays
Sound too good to be true?
It's not!
By the end of this 6 week program, you will have:
- Realistic expectations around what independent play is - and what it isn't!
- Step by step guide in setting up your home to invite and champion play!
- A list of simple strategies you can put in place immediately to get your little one playing for longer (using what you have at home – no fancy toys or equipment needed!)
- A clear understanding of your role in supporting your little one's ability to take charge of their own play - in other words, showing you how to ditch the endless activity set ups and get your little one choosing their own play

But more importantly, by joining the SEE MORE PLAY program, you are saying 'YES!' to letting go of the #MumGuilt that it’s your job to lead your little one’s play, and giving yourself back more time each and every day to do what *YOU* need to do!
During the program, we'll cover:

- Busting the myths about independent play
- What is independent play and what does it *actually* look like?
- Things you might be doing that are limiting your little one’s play

- Playrooms versus play spaces – which is best?
- How to set up your environment to see more play
- The best types of toys to include in your play space

- Why you need to follow your little one's interests - and how to work out what they are!
- Play schemas - what are they and why are they important?
- How playing *with* your little one will see them play for longer *without* you
- How to spark your little one’s curiosity and ignite play!

- So, you're seeing your little one play for longer - now what??
- Your role when your little one is engrossed in their play
- Three things to do to keep seeing your little one take charge of their play

That's over $500 value!
Enrolments close Wednesday 3/8/22 at 9.00pm ACST

I felt like I always had to be providing new toys..
I felt like I always had to be providing new toys, experiences or activities to keep my daughter entertained or learning new skills. Now I feel more confident to let my daughter be and there are a lot more opportunities for her to decide what to do for herself instead of me always providing things.
- Paige, mum of two year old

Hi! I'm Lycie,
founder of Simply Play Today.
I’m a qualified Early Childhood Educator working in the industry for over 10 years, and mum to three gorgeous cherubs, Paige, Samuel, and baby Harrison!
Since becoming a parent, I've witnessed firsthand the significance of PLAY in childhood, and more importantly how my little ones LEARN about the world around them as they play.
As much as I valued play, the early days of my parenting journey saw me feeling overwhelmed trying to provide play activity after play activity for my kids to keep them entertained all day. I started over-complicating play trying to get the 'perfect' Insta-worthy play invitation. And I got caught up in buying expensive toys that were barely used by my kids.
I needed a change in our daily routine, so I began making a few tweaks to our play space, our toys and the experiences I was providing and how I intentionally spent my time with them - and I saw a HUGE change in Paige and Samuel's play.
Now, they rarely rely on me for entertainment.
Instead, their play is almost completely child-led which means more independent and meaningful play for them, and more time that I have to spend connecting and making lasting memories with them.
I created the SEE MORE PLAY program so that you can feel that way too!
I will be here to hold your hand and teach you everything I know about how to support your little one in taking charge of their own play.

for the 6 week program, commencing Friday 5th August, 2022
pricing includes:
Enrolments close 9.00pm ACST Wednesday 3/8/22
The SEE MORE PLAY program will commence Friday 5th August, 2022. Access to the Learning Portal will be granted from Monday 1st August, 2022.
Our Guarantee..
I am confident that the See More Play program will equip you with the strategies to set your little one up for play success and see more independent and child-led play. However, if for any reason, you decide the See More Play program is not for you, please send an email to lycie@simplyplaytoday.com within 7 days of purchase for a full refund.
Have a question?
SEE MORE PLAY is a 6 week program designed to provide you with the fundamentals to seeing more independent and child-led play in your home.
Throughout our time together, you will learn how to best utilise the toys you have, the space you have and the time you have to best support your little one's play.
If, at the end of our time together, you would like to receive continued support from me, you will have the option of joining the Simply Play Together membership.
All the strategies I share in the SEE MORE PLAY program can be utilised from birth, so yes!
And as you get lifetime access to the course materials and any future updates, you can continue referring back to the different strategies and implement them as your little one gets older.
There are four modules in the SEE MORE PLAY program (and one extra bonus module to work through before we officially kick things off!), with one new module being released each week of the program.
Each module will include up to 5 short videos, and an action task to help you implement the new strategies you learn.
You will have lifetime access to all course content, as well as all future updates, so even if #MumLife gets in the way and you aren't able to complete a module in the dedicated week, you are able to go back and work through the content at your own pace.
Yes, the entire program can be accessed on your phone or other device!
The LIVE sessions are usually held on a Friday morning ACST (Adelaide time), however these are subject to change.
All LIVE sessions have a replay available if you are unable to make it or if your time zone does not allow you to attend LIVE.
All questions are pre-submitted before the Coaching Session, so even if you aren't able to attend LIVE, you will still have your question answered and receive the support you need to implement what you've learnt.