We are currently in the depths of winter, and although the Winter Solstice was a few days ago which means *technically* we’re on our way to summer and the warmer weather, we’ve still got plenty of rainy days ahead of us! And when you’ve got …

We are currently in the depths of winter, and although the Winter Solstice was a few days ago which means *technically* we’re on our way to summer and the warmer weather, we’ve still got plenty of rainy days ahead of us! And when you’ve got …
If I think back to my childhood, one thing that really sticks out is playing board games with my family, particularly my parents. I have vivid memories of playing Memory (see what I did there? Hehe) on the floor in Mum and Dad’s room, as …
This post was first published 13/2/18 on my original website thepaigediaries.com Yesterday I posted about our pom pom ice-cubes on our Instagram account, and they got such an amazing response that I thought I’d share them on the blog too! They are seriously the easiest …